Flasher Phenomenon
Our Elders were the pioneers of fishing with metal attractors. There was a time when the Dodger was the “only” option available for Salmon fishermen on the west coast. Anglers are the consummate gear...
View ArticleSalmon Spinner Making 101
Fishing for salmon takes on many forms. From utilizing bait to hardware, an angler has a multitude of options to target salmon and generate the flight or fight reaction that comes in the form of a...
View ArticleC & C
“C & C Fish Factory” My college statistics teacher, on the first day of class, told me this: “There are lies, there are damn lies and then there are statistics…in that order.” We can make numbers...
View ArticlePrawn Curing 101
Fishing with Prawns has been popular for decades. Prawns are used in a multitude of situations. This Spring Chinook bait of choice is used backtrolling, as a prawn spinner, plunking behind a spin n...
View ArticleA Tale of Two Rivers
Close proximity to dense populations put thousands of anglers onto two systems each winter in search of Steel. Increased competition can lead to a decrease in success rates. However, with the number...
View ArticleSiletz Steel
Siletz, OR: With 67 miles of seams and pocket water to fish from its headwaters to the ocean, the Siletz River offers anglers several opportunities to intercept Chrome this month during the Winter...
View ArticleWinter Steelheading
The name of the game is rain…oddly enough, in the middle of winter, we need some! The rivers are currently low, clear and cold! The forecast is predicting a little bit of precipitation. Even though...
View ArticleDecember 27th Blog
With the holiday season slowly coming to a close, and the steelhead season beginning to take hold, now is the time to break out all of our new toys and hit the rivers! These coming weeks look to be...
View ArticlePlanning For Spring:
As I sit here on the couch, enjoying some relaxing time between guided trips and hosting the show, I have begun to reflect on the past few crazy months and all of the planning it took to get this...
View ArticleSpring Chinook or Steelhead?
It’s Springer Time! (Or is it?) I have been telling myself and my clients that I would like to wait until the first week of April before I really start going out and doing spring...
View ArticleDJ James Tayler Las Vegas 2015
In ornare turpis risus, vitae tempor quam viverra eu. Nulla consequat ultrices luctus. Curabitur id mi hendrerit, volutpat odio ac, condimentum velit. In leo dui, venenatis condimentum pulvinar ut,...
View ArticleJamming Out With My New Kicks!
Mauris consequat velit non sapien laoreet, quis varius nisi dapibus. Aliquam porttitor vestibulum nibh, eget accumsan urna egestas ut. Fusce interdum, erat sit amet tincidunt lobortis, sapien nulla...
View ArticleTaking A Walk Downtown India
Morbi cursus sapien ac odio fermentum, et placerat metus blandit. Curabitur in pulvinar massa. Praesent eget tincidunt lacus, ut vulputate est. Nam vitae sapien sit amet libero imperdiet vehicula....
View Article10 Best Games For Console 2014
Cras mattis sagittis volutpat. Mauris risus metus, scelerisque vitae ornare ultricies, tincidunt vel nunc. Cras elementum at est vel malesuada. Proin vel hendrerit diam. Sed non tristique quam....
View ArticleTips To Keep Your Office Neat
Sed vitae magna ac est consectetur interdum vel at sapien. Curabitur faucibus, felis et tincidunt tincidunt, nunc libero molestie felis, adipiscing consectetur lacus sem et urna. Sed ipsum diam,...
View ArticleThe Summer Road Trip
Quisque turpis urna, ullamcorper nec nunc vel, auctor imperdiet sapien. Fusce ac malesuada est, a ultrices ipsum. Ut eget lacinia eros, id ultrices lacus. Morbi quis tellus erat. Nunc blandit nunc nec...
View ArticleMobile Friendly Design
Aliquam vitae libero auctor, rhoncus tellus et, lacinia massa. Phasellus et dolor et arcu venenatis volutpat. Donec gravida mattis ante ac viverra. Quisque quis urna non ligula rutrum imperdiet rhoncus...
View ArticleMy Very First Ultra Marathon
Donec eu leo vel ipsum tincidunt pretium et et arcu. Phasellus elit sem, tempor vitae suscipit ac, dignissim sed nibh. Fusce eget velit dignissim, commodo erat eu, vulputate mi. Curabitur venenatis,...
View ArticleAward Winning Video by One Ocean, One Breath
Nunc nunc leo, sagittis sit amet sagittis vel, ultricies at magna. Nam mollis metus condimentum massa sagittis elementum. Etiam nisl nulla, pretium ac lectus vel, placerat faucibus ligula. Class aptent...
View ArticleDon’t Just Stand There, Do Something!
Vivamus sed metus pulvinar, posuere enim sed, vestibulum mauris. Praesent sit amet nunc arcu. Duis tempor lacus eu dolor interdum ornare. Donec eu leo vel ipsum tincidunt pretium et et arcu. Phasellus...
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